
While living in Boulder, I would gaze at the magnificent, majestic Flatirons in awe of their beauty. When hiking them or simply passing them in a car the marvel would fill me with great joy and peace.

I would question people who had lived there for a while to see if they ever lost the sense of wonder when looking at them. Some said they hardly noticed them anymore while others said that they would occasionally fix their eyes on them to view their beauty. I vowed that I would not become complacent or unaware of their splendor.

The incredible beauty of the mountains even caused one creative soul to paint a picture that looks like they were constructed by man instead of being designed by God. It almost fooled me, but man can’t even come close to creating what God can.

Sometimes as Christians we lose the wonder and excitement of God and His Word. We become so used to it that we hardly stop and give Him much attention at all. We read our Bibles, but many of the passages are skimmed over since they have become so familiar that we may actually miss the meaning or the gift that God has for us. 

I don’t want to be complacent toward God; I want to wake up each morning in anticipation of a new day spent with Him. I want to walk closely with Him listening for His guidance and instruction for my day. And I want to go to bed each night thanking Him for His goodness and provision.

On the radio I once heard a pastor say, “The longer you listen to God’s Word and are not changed by it, the less likely you will ever be changed by it.” Let that thought sink in for just a moment. 

How often has God pricked your heart when you heard a sermon? If you waited to do anything about it, you probably never took action. That’s how we become complacent in our lives; we shove aside those thoughts or feelings or simply ignore them. What is God trying to tell you today? Will you listen? Will you take action or will complacency be the unproductive result?

Matthew 7:26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.


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