Why Do We Celebrate Valentines Day?

Did you know that Valentines Day did not originate to celebrate romantic love, but instead because of an early Christian? It has simply evolved into a day for giving cards, chocolates, jewelry etc probably due mostly to the retail industry. 

If you research Saint Valentine, you will most likely find that according to history there were actually several people who were given that title. The one I found most inspiring was a kind hearted Roman priest who aided young Christians being persecuted by Claudius II and was imprisoned for his faith. While in custody, he converted 46 members of a guard’s family to Christianity. Upon discovering this, Claudius sentenced him to death. Today St Valentine is known as the patron of love, young people and happy marriage. So as you can see, Valentine’s Day was started to honor a man who loved people enough to sacrifice his life for them. This sounds like true love to me.

It also sounds a lot like the love that God has for us. God the Father loved us so much that He compelled His Son to leave His place of honor at His side to come to earth and lead a sinless life and then to give up His life on a Roman cross in order to save us. Jesus didn’t actually have to be forced into this assignment, but He was willingly obedient to His Father’s desire, because He loved us too. (See John 3:16, Galatians 4:4, 1 John 4:10, Philippians 2:6-8)

This Valentines Day will you thank God for His gift of love that cost Him so much, but is free for us if we will only accept it.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 


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