
The sound of cheering in the distance always brings an air of excitement—whether the sound is coming from a football stadium on a Friday night, a basketball arena on a college campus or a soccer field packed with young children, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know quite why I love the sounds associated with a competition--maybe it’s memories, or perhaps it’s the desire to be apart of a winning team or even the spirit of competition.

Early this morning as I heard the sound of whistles blowing, hands clapping and crowds cheering coming from over the hill in my backyard I was anxious to get on my bike to see who was taking part in the sports of the day. It was a group of girls racing and running across the field in hopes of scoring a goal for their team. Watching the kicking and passing, the strategy and the coaching, I saw the importance of the girls working together as a team. One person could not successfully play the game, nor could they win if they went their way and did their own thing without guidance from a coach.

The concept is the same in our Christian life. We are all a part of God’s team, but often times we don’t act like a team. One Christian cannot win the battle working alone; it takes a team of people. If there is division within the team, it also may end in defeat.

God’s team is made up of people from all walks of life, from all denominations, with different personalities and strengths all across the globe. Therefore we need to work together, encouraging others who are in different positions of ministry instead of being critical of what they are doing and how they are doing it as long as God is being honored and glorified and Jesus is being preached. 

What kind of team player are you for the kingdom of God? How are you helping the team to win? How well do you listen and learn from the coach of the team? Do you follow His instructions? Are you on the sidelines right now? What can you do to encourage the players who are on the field? What do you need to practice for the game? Do you even care who wins the game? What is your passion level for the game?

1 Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.


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