The Beautiful Blonde

The beautiful blonde woman stood out in the lobby of the airport. The hair was perfectly styled, the makeup was perfectly applied and the outfit was put together exactly right. Her tan was even and the accessories completed her look. Can you tell that I was a bit envious as I glanced at her, because I never seem to have the time, energy or money to look the way she did?

All of my thoughts about her quickly vanished when I was standing in the queue to board the Southwest Airline flight to return to Denver. I was in the second half of boarding group B waiting to be called when I heard a voice yelling across the terminal. As everyone turned to see what was causing the commotion I realized it was the lady I had observed earlier. She again let out an intensified scream as she pushed an empty stroller across the walkway. Had she lost her child? Well in a way, she had. Her daughter and grandson appeared as I heard her scolding them for missing the "family boarding" call. She was blaming them when the attendant had called 3 times without any movement or recognition from her regarding the announcement. The scowl on her face said it all.

My reaction was mixed-- here this “beautiful" woman was not reacting in a beautiful manner. What was inside of her heart was spilling forth, covering up the external beauty with the ugliness of her internal attitude. (BTW I had just heard in Bible study the week before that when we are shaken the only thing that can come out is what’s inside. What was spilling forth from inside her?)

Now I don't know how I might have responded in the same situation but I hope it would have been a different reaction. I hope that when I am squeezed and shaken the love of God is lavished on others; the joy of Jesus exudes; and the peace that passes all understanding pours out to a world that needs those things to be displayed.

I let the woman and her family cut in line ahead of me in order to assist in the uncomfortable situation. As we stood on the jet way I made small talk with the family trying to help them recover from the yelling anxious moment and was even able to get a smile from her.

I’m not trying to be judgmental of the woman and her reactions, but it does make me rethink the way I look at people. Do I look at their outward appearance to judge them or do I look at their hearts, their attitudes and their actions when I evaluate their beauty?

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.


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