My Personal Trainer

Do you ever want to just give up? Does life seem too difficult with too many problems, too many hardships, too many obstacles?

Jillian Michaels, my personal trainer, says that it is the end of the workout when we are exhausted and want to throw in the towel that is most important. Those last few crunches or the push-ups that you think you cannot complete are the ones that make the biggest difference. Now Jillian is not really my personal trainer, but she is the workout queen of the 30 day shred video that I occasionally use and as she is giving instructions, she will encourage participants not to quit. 

At times it would certainly be easier to give up or give in, but then you would not reap the full benefit of the workout. Sometimes I want to stop in the middle with an excuse like—“I’ve done enough for today” or” I’ll double up tomorrow”, but in all reality I know that both are lies.

Often times in our everyday lives when things get tough we are tempted to give up, but the same principle that is taught in my workout video applies to the difficult times we face each day. We desire to quit, but if we hang in there and push through we reap rewards that we will never see if we throw our hands up in hopelessness. Life can be hard, but we must press on instead of sitting on the sideline. 

Will you join me in hanging in there during the tough times? Will you cling to Jesus for your strength? Will you finish strong? Will you give life your best for the sake of Jesus?

Revelation 2:3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for My name, and have not grown weary.


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