Have You Met Brooke Shields?

Recently when speaking at an afternoon retreat I encountered a beautiful lady. She was one of those women who was “really put together.” Her makeup, hair, clothing and accessories were all just right. And as with most people I meet, I recognized she probably had a story that I would be interested in hearing.

As we were visiting, I learned that she was 84 years old, caring for her teenage grandchildren and had attended Wheaton College. At that point I realized that we had not been introduced, so I inquired about her name. She quickly replied, “Brooke Shields.” The expression on my face must have given away my surprise because she promptly began laughing. 

Another tale was forthcoming as “Brooke,” my new friend explained that as a greeter at her church she wanted each and every visitor to feel special and welcomed.  Her introduction as a famous person was an instant icebreaker that would help people remember her as well as her friendliness and make them want to return to church. She even told me a story about a couple who visited from another city and then encouraged their friends to attend the church to try and meet “Brooke” while in attendance. 

This special lady is making a difference; she doesn’t know whose life she is touching by her outgoing greetings of the guests at her church. They might be rich and famous or they may be considered poor and undesirable according to the world’s standards; it doesn’t matter to her. The only thing she desires is for people to feel loved and cared about when they enter her church.

What do you do to make people feel comfortable when you meet them?

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2


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