Father's Day Reflections

Daddy as a boy
Father’s Day—a day to honor, celebrate, and cherish the influence that our dads have had on our lives. Many of you might argue with me when I say that I had the best dad, because you think that yours had to have been the best. We could resort to grammar school tactics by saying… “My dad is stronger than your dad” or “my dad is bigger than your dad” or maybe even “my dad is smarter than your dad,” but the truth is, it really does not matter. Your dad can be the best in your eyes and mine can be the best in my eyes. 

The real travesty is when someone knows that they had a terrible dad and can’t even enter into the competition for the Best Dad Award. Maybe their father was never around or maybe he drank too much or maybe he was abusive in some way. The type of hurt that he bestowed is not as important as the fact that he did it. No child should have to suffer at the hands of their own parent. 

God gave us dads to teach, to love, to encourage, to discipline, to provide, and maybe most importantly to show us who God is, but some fathers don’t do a very good job of it. They may be so loving that you don’t see the disciple or the flip side of that is when a dad is such a strict disciplinarian that they feel they can show no love. 

Our Heavenly Father is a God of balance—He loves and He disciplines; He encourages and He rebukes; He teaches and He allows consequences. Our lives should reflect that balance too if we truly want to represent God to our children, our neighbors, our co-workers and ultimately to the world. 

Later Years
Dads have an important job. So if you are a father, go to the Source to see how to be a better one. If you are not yet a father, prepare now so that when your turn comes you will be ready for the challenge. If your children are grown, realize that you still have an influence in their life and continue investing in them. If you are a woman, help the men in your life become a stronger one by praying for them, and supporting them in their efforts. 

I wouldn’t trade my dad for a different one for anything in this world, because he was God’s gift to me. Although he was not perfect, he was perfect to me and for me. So on this Father’s Day 2011, I would like to wish all of the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day and to my precious daddy who is sitting at the feet of Jesus I say, Thank you… I love you… You were the best…

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them tenderly in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord.  (Amplified Version)


Margaret said…
Molly just said, "There's Papa T.!" I sure do miss his face and his sweet soft-spoken voice. He sure was the best grandFather too!
charlene said…
Oh Olga...this brought tears to my eyes the minute I saw that picture! How thankful I am to the Lord that he gave us our fathers...and my Daddy is right there with him...with Jesus! Thank you for this post...love you!

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