
I have been refinishing our deck over the last few days. It has involved sanding, power-washing and painting multiple coats of the finish, so as you can tell, I have had lots of “think” time. One of the things that went through my mind happened years ago when my daughter, Margaret was about 4 years old. She was playing on her grandmother’s wood deck and as she scooted along on her bottom, she got splinters.

Now at that time Margaret was a “scaredy cat” and did not like pain. Therefore, she would not let me remove the splinters, so you know what that means—they got infected and hurt even worse before she finally let me perform minor “surgery” to get them all out.

Aren’t we all a bit like that in our own lives? There are things that are harmful for us, but we don’t want to get rid of them for one reason or another. The sins that we leave alone, thinking that they are not so bad, usually bring us more pain and suffering the longer we allow them to be a part of our lives. We must be diligent to get rid of even the small sins, so they don’t contaminate us. Will you take time today to evaluate what sin God wants you to remove before it causes you unnecessary pain and suffering?

John 8:11 Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."


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