Everybody Has a Story

I’ve always said, “Everybody has a story.” Some are known and very visible while others are silent and unknown.
First timers at church can often be spotted by the questioning look on their faces, but this couple was different. They had been in the Valley for only about a week, and were not the usual summertime vacationers in for a respite from the heat or retired second home owners. They were looking for answers to the question, Is this where God really wants us?

The wife was a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient and they had discovered the cancer center in our community. The questions swirling about them stemmed from whether or not they had jumped too quickly to the conclusion to move or was it truly from God. If we are honest, this is something most of us do when we are trying to figure out if we are following the path that God has for us.

After my conversation with the couple who had been prayed over by a fellow parishioner, talked with the pastor and visited with another cancer survivor the church service began. How would God minister to them? No, no, no the question is really how would God minister to me through them?
As the worship service began, they were bold in claiming the goodness and faithfulness of God and giving Him all praise and glory. You could tell that they were clinging to Him in their trial, by lifting their hands in worship and almost dancing. Tears flooded my eyes.

Would I be as trusting if I had just received the same diagnosis? Would I be able to display joy in the situation that they would be facing?
If I hadn’t just heard their saga, I could have made an assumption from their worship that everything in their life must be great—their finances in order, their bodies healthy, their lives perfect, but I would have been wrong. Everybody has some type of story; it’s how we choose to respond to God in it and through it that makes the difference.

Psalm 100:1-2 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.


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