"Why Me" Workout

Why me? Why do I end up having crazy conversations with people? Do I have a target on me? Is it the way I look? Or is it a God planned event?

Saturday morning I was having "my time" at the gym. It's when I enjoy getting away and listening to my praise and worship music and simply zone out.  Generally I don't have a conversation from the time I enter until I leave, but this particular morning was different.

I had met the man before when volunteering so I knew how abrasive and confrontational he could be, therefore I was trying to lay low and stay out of his range. But I miscalculated and he caught me while I was getting my upper body workout completed on the weight machines, which is generally not one of my favorite places in the gym anyway. It became even more undesirable when he approached. There he stood wearing his dark shades inside the building when the questions began.

Him-You having a good workout?
Me-Yes, trying to say healthy.
Him-Your husband here with you?
Me-No he doesn't usually workout
Him-Is he on a hike?
Him-What's he doing?
Then came his shocker remark—“I'm saving that for when I die and go to hell. I can work then.”
I was appalled and almost found myself speechless, but knew there had to be a response given.

So I said, “You could go to heaven and be able to work there too. In fact it will be much more productive and rewarding than the work in hell which will be torture compared to here. So be careful what you ask for.”

A couple more things were said before he left saying that he would let me get back to my work out.

After that conversation, I really wasn't in the mood anymore. So I gathered everything up and exited the building, but I couldn't get his remark out of my mind.

Why would someone make a bold, but foolish statement like that about going to hell? 

I found several things interesting about his statement:

  • First, he admitted to believing in hell.
  • He seemed to have no fear of going to hell.
  • He wasn’t the least bit interested in knowing more about heaven.
  • He thought that work was hell.
  • He didn’t mind the fact that he would be going to hell.

My response to the man was pretty weak since it took me by surprise, but there were many holes in his statement that I would like to rebut:

  • Heaven and hell are real and we make the choice which one will be our eternal destination.
  • Hell is the worst place we can imagine, because God will be absent and therefore there will be nothing good present there.
  • Productive work is good for the body mind and soul; lack of work produces laziness.
  • Since we will be spending eternity in either heaven or hell we should learn about the destinations to see if that’s really where we want to be forever.

I pray that God will get a hold of this man’s heart and transform him so that he will not spend eternity in hell. Who do you know that needs your prayers for the same thing?

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.



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