Mentors Matter

What is a Mentor?

According to Mentor Scout a mentor is a coach, guide, tutor, facilitator, counselor and trusted advisor. A mentor is someone willing to spend his or her time and expertise to guide the development of another person.

There are several women in my church who are often asked to be mentors to some of the young women. As one of those "mature" women I enjoy meeting with the cute girls who desire to deepen their relationship with the Lord.

Recently when meeting with one of the girls for the first time, I inquired to find out why a mentor was desired. The precious girl said that she wasn't sure, but her former pastor's wife told her that when she moved she should find the oldest woman in the church and ask her to teach her the Bible.

I had to laugh. Fortunately this young woman had not approached me or I might have been offended at being the "oldest woman" she could find, but since one of the pastors had recommended me, I figured that maybe I had a bit of wisdom that could be shared.

Often times people shy away when asked to be a mentor because they feel that they are not smart enough, don't know the Bible well enough or they won't have the time to invest, but some of the most valuable time I have spent has been with these younger women. They teach me and give me a new and different perspective on the world today.

I have found that you don't have to know it all in order to invest in lives, but just because you have lived and have experienced life you are qualified to journey with them for a season. My life and those who mentor along side with me don't have perfect lives; we have made and are still making mistakes, but we can encourage, listen and pray for each other.

Some of my greatest blessings and relationships have come from the women I mentor. And just to make one thing clear, I am NOT the oldest woman in the church!

Titus 2:1 You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.


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