Rule Follower

If you go to the gym you will understand my story and if you don't go maybe it will prepare you for when you do go.

Why is it that even with signs posted all around the workout area asking you to clean the equipment when you are finished, there are many people who ignore the request acting like the signs are not meant for them? What are they thinking? Do they feel that they don't have to abide by the rules? Do they think they don't have any germs? Or are they just thoughtless and inconsiderate of the next person in line? 

Now I'm not a germaphobe, but I don't particularly like using equipment that other grubby hands have been grabbing. And rules are rules for a reason.

Since I happen to be a rule follower if I am told to do something I will generally do it. I might not want to, but when you are the obedient type like me that's just what you do. 

Rules in the gym are made to protect, to provide a safe environment and to help us make the right choices just like the laws in our country. God also has His laws and commands. Sometimes people ignore those too and feel that God is unfair in putting restrictions on us. But God doesn't do it to be mean or to prevent us from having fun. Instead He does it out of love and care and concern for us. He knows that if we choose to be disobedient to His laws there will be harmful consequences.

So just as I will continue to spray down the exercise equipment after each use, I will continue trying to be obedient to what God requires. The main difference is that in the gym I do it because I am supposed to, but with God's expectations I will obey them out of respect and love for Him and all He has done for me. 

Deuteronomy 8:6 Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in obedience to him and revering him.


Christy said…
Thus, your reference to following the Hellman's Mayonnaise rule on your recipe ;-)

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