Tourist Time

Who wouldn't want to visit here?

It's tourist season. I've seen them all around town--in the stores, in the roundabouts, at the events, even in the neighborhood.

This week, pulling out of our area on my way to church, I spotted a multigenerational group of about 10 people blocking the gated exit that I needed to go through. The oldest man stuck out his hand motioning for me to stop. My thoughts were not pleasant; instead I wished that he would just get his group to move so that I wouldn't have to stop. Why did they have to stop in the middle of the road? Couldn't they congregate on the grass? Don't they know the common courtesies of the road?

Once they had moved, I quickly became ashamed of my unkind thoughts for several reasons. First, since I was on my way to church and yet I was not exhibiting behavior that would please my Savior. And second, as I surveyed the group I noticed a bald child who was obviously undergoing chemotherapy. The group may have been celebrating life or they may have been making memories for a sick child, but whatever the case, I was ashamed of myself.

How often do we let our plans and our desires overshadow the needs of others? How often do we make assumptions about others without considering what might be taking place in their lives? And how often are our motives impure when we dig deep within to access our deepest thoughts?

Lord I am so sorry. Forgive me when I think I am more important than others. Forgive me for always wanting my way instead of considering others. Lord help me to be more like you instead of being my selfish self. Lord, give me compassion, love and concern for others. In other words Lord, change me, transform me and mold me into a worthy representative of who You are.

Isaiah 64:8-9 Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
    We are the clay, you are the potter
    we are all the work of your hand.
Do not be angry beyond measure, Lord;
    do not remember our sins forever.
Oh, look on us, we pray,
    for we are all your people.


Unknown said…
Olga so well put. Protect us Lord from ourselves!
Unknown said…
Olga so well put. Protect us Lord from ourselves!
Unknown said…
Olga so well put. Protect us Lord from ourselves!

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