Where Are You Blooming?

Everyone has heard the phrase, "Bloom where you are planted." When I hear this phrase I like to think about a beautiful garden, but sometimes that's not where we are planted. Just as a seed lands in a crack under a planter box, or in a small crevice in the side of a rocky mountain, and sometimes even in the gutter, God might plant His people in the most unlikely places. For some it might be in a job that they don't particularly like, while others might be living in a city that they question and yet others have ended up in a hospital room receiving treatment, but one thing can be certain God can use unusual places to bring about His plans and purposes.

My friend recently went on a mission trip to Guatemala. Upon arriving home, she remarked that there were several other church groups who had flown thousand of miles to go and serve in the same orphanage at the same time. Now don't get me wrong, mission trips are great and we want to be sure to serve those across the globe, so that they too can come to know Jesus, but what about those people who are in our own backyard? Perhaps it's the elderly, the homeless, the latchkey children, the widowed...you get the picture.

Do we have to leave home to go on a mission trip? No, not at all. There is a mission where ever we are placed. It's a matter of looking for the opportunities to share the love of Jesus, the message of His salvation and the heart's desire to serve.

We might not always appreciate where God has planted us, but we can rest assured that He has a plan and a purpose in it and so we need to dig in and allow him to work in our lives and the lives of others.

Colossians 3:17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.



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