
Houston is a very international city. At the airport, the mall or just at the grocery store you will hear many languages and see people from every culture imaginable. So on my recent visit I had to stop and laugh at my airport experience. In the security line I was sandwiched between two families who both appeared to be from India.

Family number one went up to the attendant, had their boarding passes checked along with their passports. Upon being called for my turn, I started for the podium and the one of the family members behind also moved forward. The security attendant asked the lady to step back, but when she didn't he inquired, "Are you all together?" She replied, "No."  So the attendant instructed her to wait her turn behind the line.

Reaching the check in station I laughingly said to the man, "You knew we weren't together, didn't you?" He snickered a bit and said, "Yes, but I was just doing what I had been trained to do."

We were not dressed alike, we didn't look alike, we didn't sound the same, but we could have been traveling together. Others recognized that we didn't seem to go together but they might have been wrong.

When others observe you do they recognize you as a Christian? Or maybe a better question would be what is a Christian supposed to look like? Do you walk like Jesus and talk like Jesus and act like Jesus? Is that what people see when watching you? If not, what changes need to be made so that people will see the resemblance?

Ephesians 4:1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called


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