The Perfect Storm

Do you remember the movie a few years back called The Perfect Storm? It was about a fishing boat that was caught in the middle of three storms, including a hurricane. It was deadly and devastating to the characters and their families.

Well, sometimes it might seem that we have a perfect storm going on in our life. When there are multiple situations that are enormous and are all hitting at the same time it can be overwhelming. When the events seem insurmountable in our eyes we have to  remember that if God is big enough to move the mountains, He is certainly big enough to take care of the storms swirling around us. 
At one point I seemed to be in the middle of several storms. As I told a co-worker a little about how my life seemed to be spinning out of control as the storms converged; she encouraged me with the words, “I can’t wait to see the rainbow when it is over.” I had been so busy focusing on the storm and how God would have to perform a miracle to get us through it I hadn’t even thought about how God would be glorified when it was all over.

Maybe you have a perfect storm brewing in your life. It might be your marriage, finances, and job or children, health, and addictions or elderly parents, an upside-down house, or abuse. It could be one or many of those things that are the storms going on in your life right now, but know that God cares about it and has a rainbow waiting when the clouds move out.

Take a look at what Jesus did when His disciples faced a storm.

The disciples were in a boat when a storm arose on the Sea of Galilee. Most of you who have spent much time in church have probably read the story, but if you need to refresh your memory, you can read it in Mark 7:45-52.

  1. Jesus had sent the twelve ahead. He knew what they were going to face, but He sent them anyway. This tells me that Jesus knows about the storms I will face before I even know they are on the horizon. They are not always pleasant, but they do have a purpose, so we need to look and see what God is trying to teach us or how He wants to change us, or what He is doing in the life of others through it. Don’t waste the storm; learn from it.
  2. While the disciples were rowing across the body of water, Jesus was praying. Perhaps He needed to have time alone to talk with His beloved Father or is it possible that He was praying for guidance in His life and ministry or maybe just maybe He was praying for His disciples since He knew they were facing the storm. I choose to think it was a combination of all three, but I am comforted by the fact that the Bible says that right now Jesus is living to intercede for us. He sees your storm clearly and He is praying for you to make it through.
  3. Jesus saw the disciples straining to get across the lake, and He went to them by walking on the water. Jesus didn’t want His friends facing the wind and waves without Him, nor does He want us to be alone in times of trouble. He is present with us, but sometimes we have to reach out for Him, so that we can feel His presence.
  4. The storm was calmed when Jesus got into the boat and announced who He was. The chaos was turned to peace when He was allowed in and it amazed the frightened men. We all need peace when we are in the midst of our hardest times, but oftentimes we fail to experience it because we don’t let Him in and depend on Him to carry us through.
  5. The wind and waves died down because of Jesus. They knew who He was and they obeyed Him; He had power over them, just as He has power over illness, death, relationships, finances, careers, and everything else in this world. Aren’t you glad the Jesus has the power to control the worst situations in your life?

Storms are not fun, but if we live in this world we will face them, but not alone, or without purpose. Thank you God for showing us Your part in the storms we face.

Proverbs 10:25 When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.


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