Movers and Shakers

According to the Free Dictionary, the term “mover and shaker” means one who wields power and influence in a sphere of activity. We normally think of people in politics, technology, medicine, finance, or other arenas where leaders make a big difference in many lives.

Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Prince William might be among some of the names mentioned as movers and shakers,  but I need to add one to my list that probably has never been heard of in most circles of important people, Sadie Wright. She is my mother and although she has only had one paying job thus far in her life (and at her age that is probably the only one she will ever have), but in her own little world, she is a mover and shaker.  If you tell her of some kind of need great or small, she doesn't stop until it has been accomplished. For example if I tell her I would like a pair of red shoes, she is then on a mission and will not rest until the perfect pair has been purchased.

Mother’s most recent “project” was to assist a man who helps in her yard to find a more permanent job. He was at a disadvantage because of his minimal education and modest job experience, but he did have a couple of things in his favor. He was a dedicated, honest hardworking man; however the most powerful advantage he had was a little spunky 86 year old woman.

Mother set out to find the man a job and began asking around to see who might need some help...the grocery store, the drug store, and her church to mention a few. The most promising prospect was her church, however they didn't really have any definite openings, but they might be able to use him occasionally.

The church did call him to work as part of the cleaning crew for the building one day and that's all it took. They loved him and hired him on the spot to work full time. He contacted mother after just a few days on the job to thank her for recommending him.

Tears came to my eyes as Mother told me that he had also confided to her that it was the best job he had ever had. Many people would have thought that being a janitor at a church would be a terrible job, but not in his eyes. He was also excited that lunch was served on the days when he worked. Could it be that it was the best meal he has each day?

Many people would dispute my claim that Mother is a mover and a shaker, but I know at least one happy man who would wholeheartedly agree with me.

What have you done lately to change someone else’s life?
To be a mover and shaker you don’t have to achieve something monumental; sometimes it is simply one act of kindness to another person that can make all the difference in their world.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


charlene said…
I love this, Olga!! I heartily agree...Aunt Sadie IS a mover and shaker...and I love you both!!

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