Angels Watching Over Me

My friend Virginia was going on a trip to Costa Rica with Vail Mountain School along with her son and his classmates. The adult supervisors were staying in a different location than the students which would mean a 20 minute walk in the dark in the foreign country. I assured her that I would be praying for her safety and protection and that she would be surrounded by angels during the morning and evening treks. 

The prayer came from a story heard many years ago about a missionary in another country where bandits were notorious for attacking and robbing travelers along a particular deserted road. The missionary’s car had broken down along the infamous road one evening and he was forced to spend the night alone in his car. At the exact time he was stranded on the road the members of his church in the United States were holding a prayer meeting and felt compelled to pray for the safety and protection of their faithful missionary. One member prayed boldly asking God to surround him with His angels even though they were totally unaware of his dire situation.

When the light of day arose out of the eastern sky, a passerby was able to assist the man in patching up the car enough so that he could get to the next town where complete repairs could be made. As the missionary was waiting on his car he overheard a group of men at a nearby table talking about their experience the previous night. They had planned to rob the missionary, but were deterred when approaching the car they saw armed soldiers surrounding the vehicle—angels from the army of God.

When telling my friend Virginia the story, I didn’t realize that I too would need that same protection while on my trip to California. We had been asked to bring canned goods, gift cards or diapers to the conference in order to bless the local community. Since I didn’t have a rental car, but was either on foot or in taxis, I decided that there must be somewhere close to my hotel that I could walk to purchase one of the desired items. 

After walking about 6 blocks I discovered a Home Depot and questioned the customer service representative about where I might find a grocery store. Turn right at the next street, cross the railroad tracks and continue 6 more blocks to the small shopping center on the right were the directions I was given. I thought I could accomplish my mission before dark, but the sky was darkening quickly.  

Grocery store was located, items were purchased, homeless woman was given a donation and it was now dark outside. The long walk would have to be made through the shadowy streets. Prayers were offered for Virginia as it was probably the same time she would be walking alone in the night in Costa Rica. I prayed for both of us to be surrounded by angels. And almost as if on cue, I began looking at my surroundings—there was the symbol of Calvary Chapel on the side of a building, on another one was written LOGOS—meaning the Word, and still another one said Christian Center for Hope and Healing. Was God showing me that I was walking on His holy ground and was under His protection? I think so.

Then suddenly my quiet dark street was transformed as three big burly boys approached on the sidewalk ahead. Lord, put Your security guards around me was the prayer going through my mind. As the boys grew nearer, I began anticipating the encounter that would take place on the sidewalk as we passed. However it was energy wasted because the boys unexpectedly exchanged words and darted across the street. Had they seen angels of protection surrounding me? I’ll never know, but I do know for sure that God did have a hedge of protection around me and saw me safely back to my hotel. Safe and secure I praised God that He is always with me no matter where I go. 

Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
   let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
   that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

By the way, I later found out that I was walking through the original Calvary Chapel Campus, and my friend Virginia also made it home safely.


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