A Life of Significance

It seems this week that God has been impressing upon my heart that it’s not about how long I live, or the type of job I have, or where I live or what I possess that is important to Him, but whether or not I live life well in His eyes.

Charles Stanley on his TV program this morning spoke about the element of discipline in our lives and how each of us should have self control over many areas including eating and exercise, because it will produce an orderly, efficient life. His challenge to each of the Christian listeners was that we should incorporate two things into our lives every day—spending time reading our Bibles and making time for prayer. He said that if we do those two things our lives will have more impact and deeper meaning.

Then at church this morning, Pastor Nick talked about how often times we just go through life without really living it. We go through the motions, but aren’t participating in it. He encouraged the congregation to pursue people and to pursue God so that we do live in the present.

Because of these two messages I began reflecting on 92 year old Martha “Mimi” Murphy who died on Good Friday and was buried last Wednesday. She was a woman without much wealth or importance according to the world’s standards, but she lived a life of true significance—a life lived well. She touched my life and others who knew her with her strength, her dignity, her love and her caring nature. 

When going through some of her things to prepare for her funeral a poem entitled “Be Alive” was found which is worth sharing. There was no indication of where she got it or how long she had it, but her life showed evidence that she lived by it. 

Be Alive!
Think Freely.
Smile Often.
Tell those you love that you love them.
Rediscover old friends.
Make new ones.
Give In.
Pick some daisies.
Share them.
Keep a promise.
Laugh heartily.
Reach out.
Let someone in.
Hug a kid
Slow down.
See a sunrise.
Listen to rain.
Trust life.
Have faith.
Make some mistakes.
Learn from them.
Explore the unknown.
Celebrate life!

I appreciate Mimi leaving these words of wisdom for us, but the words that will resonate in my heart until I see her someday in heaven are the last ones that anyone heard her speak which were, “I believe in Jesus Christ,” confirming her faith before seeing her Savior face to face in Paradise on that Good Friday afternoon when Jesus called her home.

Matthew 25:21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”


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