Wildfire Warning

It’s already wildfire season in Colorado and it appears that this just might be a prolific year for them due to the small amount of snow pack this winter. We had our first major fire a couple of weeks ago which burned 6 square miles and claimed three lives. 

Having lived in the Boulder area for three years, we have been close to a few fires and have known people affected by them. Residents of areas that are at high risk for the wildfires have been told to determine ahead of time what to take if they were ever to receive the dreaded call to evacuate their home. We are all familiar with calling 9-1-1 if you have an emergency situation and need assistance; however you might not be as familiar with a reverse 9-1-1 call. That’s when you get a phone call from officials telling you that there is an emergency in your area such as a fire that requires you to leave your home immediately. 

Friends have told me that they have every inch of space in their car planned perfectly so as to save their most important possessions. Some things remain packed up all year long….just in case.

Stop and think for just a minute…what would you take if you were to receive an emergency call to vacate your home? Of course the children and the pets would be piled in the car along with important papers. Would you also grab your pictures, your jewelry, your computer or something entirely different? 

It’s difficult to imagine, leaving everything behind, but there’s one thing I would hope to rescue from harm—my Bible. Yes, a new Bible would be easy to purchase and can be found in most places that sell books of any sort, so why would that be what I prefer to grab? My Bible is my friend and I have history with it. Joy and comfort, peace and strength, hope and encouragement are found in the well worn pages. Any old Bible could do that, but there are things I would miss most about mine including recognizing just the right spot on the page where a particular verse is found. I would also long for the notes that have been made in the margins from sermons and Bible study. And a new Bible would not have the dates recorded when God gave me a special promise for myself or others that I love. 

If something were to happen to my Bible I would be lost for a while as I adjusted to a new one, but there is one thing I can never lose—my faith. No one can steal it from me; nothing can destroy it; it is cemented forever because of what Jesus did for me at Calvary.

What is most important in your life?

Psalm 119:89-90 Your word, O LORD, is eternal;
   it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
   you established the earth, and it endures.


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