Catalyst Quotes

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the Catalyst West Conference in Southern California. It had some of the most dynamic speakers during the three days of session, so I have compiled my favorite quotes to share with you all. If you need to know the context or want more information just contact me and I'll give you more details. Also if you are in the Dallas area they have another conference there May 9-11. I highly recommend attending.

Andy Stanley - Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone. If you aren't having a meaningful conversation you probably are not asking the right questions.

Nancy Duarte - Christians should do it better because we have an intercessor-Jesus. Movements always start with spoken words. 

Chris Groeschel - If you are not dead you are not done. Embrace the season you are in. Respect is earned honor is given. Don't think so small.

Tony Hawk - Many people quit right before "their moment." You must go through failures to help you reach your successes.

Jon Acuff - Haters only get loud when you do something that matters. 1000 compliments +1 complaint=1 complaint. Fame is the most dangerous drug in Christianity today. 90% right shared makes more difference in lives than 100% right stored in your head or on your computer. God is not surprised or disappointed in the size of your ministry.

Chris Seay - We have too much while others have too little. What do you love more things or people? The most important thing we have is the power of the Holy Spirit.

Brenda Salter McNeil - God is always at work, so look to see what He is doing and do what you see (John 5:17-19)

David Platt - Leadership in the kingdom is overflow of love from the King.

Bob Goff - Jesus keeps showing up when we think big. We are scared we are not who He made us to be. When we are not afraid, nothing happens.

Marcus Buckingham - There is no perfect profile, only perfect practices that fit your profile.

Dave Gibbons - God cannot be contained in a box.

Charles Jenkins - We are not called to live in our cities, but to be alive in our cities.

Erwin McManus - Humans need to live, life with intent or others will shape and form who you are. Do people taste water or wine when they drink from my life? If wine do they know it has been touched by the Master?

Mark Burnett - Choose your companions before you choose the road. (learned from a nomadic tribe)

Donald Miller - We must study the things God made in order to understand the universe.

LV Hanson prayed - Let us hear from You God because if we do not hear from You all of this is a waste.

Lysa Terkheurst - Feelings should be indicators, not dictators. My job is to be obedient to God; He is responsible for the results. Lord, don't let my ministry opportunity outgrow what my character can handle. Do my words prove I am right or do they improve the relationship?

Leading and Loving It Ministry - Conviction is never comfortable and often leads to criticism.

This isn't a conference; it's a runway, so why aren't you flying? Unknown poet


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