Bad Hair Day vs. Bad Hair Cut

I'll confess. It wasn't just a bad hair day, but a bad haircut which ultimately means a bad hair month. I've tried it curly; I've tried it straight. In front of my ears and behind have also been part of the experiment. Nothing seems to work like it should. It must be bothering me more than I thought because I even dreamed about it.

In my nighttime fantasy I returned to the salon and asked the hair dresser to help me do something with the mop of locks. He tried one thing after another and then walked away. Wondering where he went, I turned and saw he was sitting in chair first shaking his head and then hiding his face into his hands because he had no solution. It was a hopeless situation.

Chuckling as I awoke remembering the dream, I was relieved to know that in the grand scheme of things this was not that important. I was also grateful to reflect that even though we often are in situations where we feel we have no solution, God never is. He always has the perfect plan and the resources to carry them out. He will never walk away from us and wring His hands in distress wondering what to do next. He doesn't fret or worry or become discouraged because He is in perfect control.

Knowing this makes a bad hair day and even a bad hair cut seem not so bad after all.

Praise God!

Job 42:1-2 Then Job replied to the Lord, "I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted."


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