Uh-oh...They're Back

The red and white candy cane stripes on all of the metal poles along the bike path in strategic places are meant to indicate danger, however I have discovered that there are many dangers much more hazardous than the immovable guardrails.

You see, it's summer in the mountains and the crazy visitors are beginning to congregate in my quiet little town. Yes, the vacationers are the real hazards along the path.

The locals seem to know the rules, but the tourists seem to have forgotten their brains when they packed for their vacation.
A few of the dangers encountered today include:
  • Teenagers walking five across covering the entire path, almost daring you to make them move
  • The man letting his dogs sit in the middle of the path stretching the leash as tight as a bungee cord in front of people passing by 
  • The child crisscrossing along the path on her scooter, so others don't know whether to pass on the left or right
The hazards abound on my bike path as well as the path of life. God has put up His warnings of danger, cautioning us to beware of the things that might cause us harm. We learn of those things at an early age and hopefully avoid the majority of them along the way. As on the path, it might also be the people that we encounter that are the greatest hazards. They get in the way, they lead us astray, they cause us pain, and they drive us insane.
So I guess we have to ask ourselves an important question: Do the people you are around make you more like Jesus or do they drive you away from Him?
The answer will determine what you need to do--stick with them or stay away from them.
Proverbs 12:26 The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.


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