woohoo or WOOHOO?

Surprise was my reaction when finding out that a certain co-worker had been spotted visiting my church on Sunday morning. I had been out of town, but a friend had seen him and asked him to sit with her. Excited to see him a few days later and let him know how happy I was that he had been there was met with a letdown.
He said he won't go back because he saw too many people that he dealt with in his job and wanted church and work to be separate. He informed me that he usually went to a different church in the area and then added in a monotone voice, "I'm a Christian. Woohoo." His lack of enthusiasm led me to be excited for him as I exclaimed with gusto, "Yes indeed WOOHOO!"

We should be excited about our faith. After all the God of the Universe has chosen us to be a part of His own family at no cost to us. He paid it all and then openly invited us.
Do you show excitement or are you lackluster in your faith? What do you need to do in order to show the world that you are enthusiastic about your Savior? Do you need a tune-up in your faith walk? What steps will you take today to get recharged?

Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.


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