Moving Messes

Moving will expose many things, including:
  • How much stuff you can accumulate in a short amount of time
  • How much you have aged since the last time you did it
  • How much your toe can hurt when you kick one of the many boxes stacked around
  • How bad your attitude can be when things don’t go exactly as planned
  • And maybe most of all how much dirt can be found underneath things that seemed clean on the surface
Recently as furniture was moved, dust was discovered. When carpets were rolled up, dirt was left behind. With nothing else to look at the glass revealed the smudges, fingerprints and water spots.

I think I’m pretty clean, but beneath the surface, things didn’t look so good.
My life can be much the same. On the surface I might look all right, even like I have it all together and live a pretty good Christian life, but if I really take the time to examine deeper it’s not always so pretty. And if it ask God to reveal to me the sin in my heart, it can get downright ugly.

The unforgiveness…the critical spirit…the judgmental nature…need I go on?
I don’t like what I see when I look deep, but if I ignore it, does that mean it is gone? Not at all! If I try to hide it, it just gets worse. So I want to confront it and let God cleanse and purify my heart as only He can.

Lord show me the sin that has collected in me, but don’t just show it to me, get rid of it. Cleansing can be hard, but I’m willing to go through the process to be the person you want me to be. I don’t want to just look okay on the outside; I want to be spotless and clean inside and out.
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


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