What Are You Proficient In?

Proficient--competent or skilled in using something or doing something
Do you feel proficient? According to the definition above, I don't feel that I am very proficient, but according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that is exactly what God expects of His children. That's why He has given us His word...to teach us, reproof, correct and train is to be righteous. In order to do those things, we have to actually open our Bibles, read them and allow them to speak to us.
It takes hard work to become proficient at playing a musical instrument and diligent practice to develop the skills necessary to play a sport and a years of training to master a foreign language.
So how can we expect to be proficient in living the life that God desires for us if we only get one hour's worth of training each week? That equals out to be one out of 168 hours we have each week. How many hours do you spend watching TV, reading, at the gym, shopping or participating in any other activity that you enjoy? How does it compare to the time you spend training in righteousness?
A handsome young man sitting on the plane in front of me had his well-worn Bible with him. Throughout the flight he would open it and read it, devouring the words on the page. I knew there was a story, so I couldn't resist. I asked him if he had brought “his old friend” with him and he said yes. He had been reading Hebrews and Revelation. I knew there was more when I saw his hand, with only four fingers. The thumb had apparently been amputated and the index finger had been turned into one. This young man had learned the secret; he was becoming proficient at living a Christ like life by devouring the Word of God. Will you do the same?
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.


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