God-Sized Ball
The beautiful border collie had gathered a crowd of on
lookers. He had been bred to herd and his master said that he would herd
anything. This particular afternoon it was a huge red ball.
Most dogs chase
tennis balls or run and jump to catch a Frisbee, not an exercise ball.
The dog was not afraid of the size, but would happily run 20-30 yards out in the field to await the ball being thrown toward him. And once it arrived he would race toward it, pushing the ball down the field as though it were a sheep going to the pen.
Most dogs would have been intimidated by the size of the ball. Many would not have known what to do with a ball that big. But this dog was excited…no ecstatic with his challenge.
Most people miss out on the excitement that God wants to provide because they are fearful of the size of the mission He has for them. They would rather sit on the sideline and watch instead of getting in on the fun or they would rather play with a small ball because it is manageable and easy to handle or control without the help of God.
I'm not certain, but I think our Heavenly Father gives us some say in the size of our ball. It's determined by how much faith we have and how much control we are willing to give up to Him.
I don't know about you, but I want a big ball, as a matter of fact I want a giant ball that there is no way I can maneuver without depending on God.
Lord, toss me the ball, I'm waiting. I'll need You to show me the way and use me as Your instrument to accomplish Your will, but I'm ready.
Psalm 66:5 Come and see what God has done,
his awesome deeds for mankind!
his awesome deeds for mankind!