Birthday Lesson

Birthdays are supposed to be your own special day with people pampering you, and showering you with greetings and well wishes. Leading up to the big day, that’s what had been happening. Cards, phone messages, Facebook posts, three birthday cakes and even a stand-up paddle boarding lesson followed by lunch. Today was going to be an extraordinary day. Until…I arrived at church. 

I’m one of those people who likes to get there early in order to greet people and make them feel welcome, so when a friend spotted a guest with two children and tasked me with assisting them, I was on it. Upstairs to the children’s wing we went and then got the teenage son situated when the director of the children’s Sunday School program asked me if I would check in on the infant room. She said I didn’t need to stay and that she would be down in a few minutes.

I raced downstairs halfway thinking that someone would be awaiting; after all it was my birthday. There was someone there, but not exactly what I had hoped to find…a mother and her baby. I “graciously” took the child and sat on the floor with her thinking all the while, “It’s my birthday, don’t they know that I shouldn’t have to work in the nursery on my birthday? I was only trying to help a newcomer to the church.” 

It was at that moment that God spoke to me saying, “Yes, it is your birthday. I gave you the gift of life, so do you mind serving Me where I need you on this your special day?”
I had to laugh at myself. How can I be so caught up in myself and what I think I deserve that I miss opportunities where God wants to use me? 

With my attitude adjusted, four additional babies arrived. We only had one poopie diaper and about 10 minutes of crying babies during the hour long service, but God blessed me with two young girls who wanted to help instead of sitting in church and the director of our child development center (with whom I rarely get a chance to visit).

If I had made it to hear the sermon, I’m sure it would have been a good one, but God had His own message in mind for me and I hope I learned it well—Be willing anywhere and anytime to serve Him without putting my conditions on it.

Ephesians 6:7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men…


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