Heart Surgery

Dick Cheney recently had a tiny pump implanted to assist in the functioning of his heart. The device was inserted after Cheney had discussed his previous heart problems with doctors and they determined that if nothing was done, his heart could possibly fail. Other people have experienced a much better quality of life after having the same type of surgery, so it’s great that science and technology have progressed so far that people’s lives can be improved by procedures like this.

Our spiritual hearts sometimes need a little bit of help also. They might get hard and calloused or they might become divided and distracted or stubborn and prideful. When we have these things going on in our hearts, we are in danger of failure in our Christian walk. Those hearts need some help from the Great Physician, who can perform the spiritual surgery that can improve the quality of our lives. God does not just change our hearts, but He is willing to give us a new heart, a pure, loving heart. This is His desire and it can be accomplished through allowing Him to mold it and conform it His standards. God will use His Word to speak to you as you read and study it, which can make your heart tender and ready to be transformed into a heart like His. Your prayers can also assist in the process of molding your heart because as we take our praise, our confession, our thanksgiving and our petitions to God, our hearts begin to change into the beautiful new heart God desires for us to have. Will you let God have His way in your heart this week?

Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.



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