
I am so excited today that I can hardly contain myself. If you are wondering why--it’s because I am anticipating the arrival of my grandkids this weekend. (Of course I’m excited about seeing their parents too!) The Fourth of July is a fun-filled time where I live, with parades, fireworks, concerts, people and much more, therefore, the Texas part of the family likes to come to visit each year for the holiday to beat the heat and enjoy the festivities. Today my step is a bit peppier, my countenance is brighter and my arms are longing to hold precious Will and Molly. The expectation is so great, that I am not quite sure how I will make it until Saturday.

The old Carly Simon hit says: “Anticipation, anticipation is making me late, is keeping me waiting” and I agree with her that the hard part of anticipation is waiting. It even seems that the clock is ticking a little slower than usual. While we are waiting, we are thinking of the ones we love and longing to be with them. We might even be daydreaming about what it will be like when we are able to be with them face to face—the things we will do, the adventures we will have and the things we will talk about.

Do you think God feels the same way about us? Perhaps He is just longing for us to come and visit with Him, to spend quality time just being with Him. How often is He disappointed because He was waiting for us and we didn’t bother to show up? That thought breaks my heart because I can only imagine how I would feel if I got a phone call today saying that my family had changed their plans and were no longer coming for a visit.

Will you join me in spending time with your Heavenly Father? I’m sure He would love a surprise visit or a planned appointment from all of His children this week. In fact I would venture to say He will take great delight in spending time with you.

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.


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