Two Reactions

We all have a choice about how we can react to situations and circumstances. How we respond can say a lot about us.

On a recent trip I saw two drastically different reactions displayed.

When traveling I most often carry my Bible with me to prepare a lesson or just to read. As I was waiting for a delayed flight I was reading my “old friend” when a fellow traveler exclaimed, "That's the biggest book I've ever seen. What is it?" When I told her that it was my Bible, she asked me if I was reading it through and I told her that although I have done that, this time I was reading it in preparation for an upcoming talk. Then I asked her if she had read it and she said that she had read only part of it when she was in Hebrew classes. As we continued the conversation, she said she was very interested in religions other than her own and perhaps she should read through the whole Bible, just to know what it says. As she departed I prayed that she would read it and that her life would be changed.

On my return flight once again I was reading the Word. My seat mate asked what I was reading and when I told him, profanity spewed from his mouth and he began telling me how stupid I was and that I had been brainwashed. However when I asked him what he believed he responded by saying that he didn't know me so he couldn't tell me. I had my suspicions.

It might have been that he or his family had been hurt by either the church or someone who claimed to be a Christian. Or maybe his family was a high powered family who would steam roll over anyone and everyone, creating their own path. And lastly perhaps he was living in some sin and therefore was running from God. Or it could have been a combination of all three.

The fellow travelers had both questioned me, but their responses were drastically different one seeking truth and the other rejecting and even blasting my faith. My reaction was the same for both--prayers.

For the first I prayed that in her seeking, she would find Jesus as her Savior. For the other I prayed that God would send him a life transforming event that would change the path of his life and that instead of rejection there would be reception and transformation that only God can do in his life.

Will you join me in praying for the lost, that they will be found?

Deuteronomy 30:19-20b This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.


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