Are You a Genealogy Junkie?

Many people are curious about their genealogy, some have it as a hobby, while a few are obsessed with it. I’m sure there are many reasons people research their family tree, but the past, the present and the future are three good ones.

People want to learn about The Past – Where do I come from? Why am I like I am?
They are also interested in The Present – Why am I here? What is my purpose?
And they care about The Future – What is going to happen to me? What does my future hold? Who will I become?

This is not a new phenomenon. It has been around since the beginning of the human race. In Genesis chapter 5 we see the first family tree and we find them scattered throughout the Old Testament. Growing up we wanted to skip over the “begat” verses thinking they weren’t important, but in God’s eyes they must be pretty significant because that’s the way He starts the first chapter of the New Testament in Matthew 1:1 it says, “A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the Son of David the Son of Abraham” and then it lists 3 sections of His predecessors before telling the story of the birth of Jesus.

I have often just skimmed it to get to the good part—about Mary and Joseph, the wise men and then his life and teachings, but if we look closely at those verses we can learn something.

In His family lineage are good and bad, smart and foolish, rich and poor, known and unknown, nomads in tents to kings in palaces, men and women, young children and old patriarchs.

His family is a lot like that today too. He calls all to be a members, but not all answer His call with a "yes." If you are one of those why not let this Christmas be different? You can respond affirmatively and Christmas will take on new meaning for you.

1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.


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