Sadie's Attitude

Sadie was a good ole girl. When she was just a little pup you could already see glimpses of her personality. In the first picture from the breeder you could see "the attitude"--look at me, because I know I'm adorable.

Once the formal adoption had taken place and she came home you could see the perfection in her markings with the blush and brows in just the right spots. You could tell that she thought she was better than other dogs, in fact she really didn't want to be bothered by the likes of them. Her nose was always stuck high in the air.

She was smart and perceptive and could certainly work the room in order to get any human attention possible.

With that being said, I believe Sadie fulfilled her purpose. She was a gift from Matt to Lynn and was treated as a pocket pooch while she was small. She graduated to become a lap dog, a constant companion to Lynn.

When Lynn had her cardiac arrest, Sadie was a big part of the healing process, always gentle and caring to her master. Over the years she could always tell when things weren't right with Lynn and her health and would be by her side, snuggling in to make Lynn feel better.

During the pregnancy, Sadie knew to be careful around Lynn and protect her from harm.

Baby Thomas had been home from the hospital for a week and Lynn was recovering from childbirth and surgery. Sadie was her cautious self, but she was especially quiet, taking in the new baby and the new situation. She must have realized that her job here on earth was done. She had helped her beloved master, through many tough times over the years, but now with Lynn beginning a new chapter she could leave knowing that even with her "attitude" she had given the best of herself to one who loved her most.

We all knew that Sadie was sick and in congestive heart failure, but we are never ready to say goodbye to a faithful friend and companion, but she fell asleep and didn't wake up.

Farewell for now sweet Sadie Girl and thank you for a job well done. And thank you God for providing a dog who could bring such joy and comfort when it was needed most.

1 Chronicles 16:24 For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods.


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