Give a Gift--Smile

Yesterday as a co-worker passed my desk, he said with a grin, “There she goes again, doing what she does best…smiling.” It was a simple statement that could be taken in several different ways. I could have assumed the negative, and thought to myself, “I must not be very good job at my work if smiling is the best thing I do.” The conversation in my head could have continued with, “You mean my spreadsheets are not my strength? The way I handle an unhappy guest is not my strong suit? My ability to multitask is not an asset to the department?” And on and on I could go.

However, I have learned an important lesson in life and that is to always assume the best. Whether it is a word spoken or an action toward me, I try to look at it from the best perspective possible. Now I really do think that my co-worker meant his statement as a compliment, but even if he hadn’t, my life would be better off assuming that was his purpose. 

I try to smile often because it makes me feel better and I hope it cheers up those around me. Smiling is an easy way that I can show others the joy of the Lord in my life. It is a way of brightening up my little corner of the world. 

Here are several interesting facts about smiles:
  • It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown
  • Smiles are contagious
  • Smiles are the most easily recognizable facial expression
  • It is a universal sign of happiness recognized in all cultures
  • Smiles actually make us feel better because of the endorphins released
  • Newborns prefer to look at a person who is smiling
  • Smiles make a face more beautiful than makeup
Will you allow the joy of the Lord to radiate through your face to a world that needs to see it?

Psalm 34:5a Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy… (New Living Translation)


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