Those Were the Days

Looking back, I long for those carefree days of summer on the open road. I even miss the kids yelling in the back of the car, the spilt Dairy Queen Blizzards, kids falling out of the raft into the rushing river and mysterious rocks flying through the air landing on other’s heads. I can even laugh at being stopped by the state patrol after being gone for over 3 weeks and pleading my case with the officer with pony tails sticking out all over my head designed by one of the kids. Why is it that when we look back on past memories they seem to look different than when we were actually experiencing them first hand?
I guess that is enough reminiscing for today, because there are new memories to be made. I wonder what will happen this summer that I will view fondly in years to come. When you are walking with the Lord, you never know what adventure is around the next corner, but I am looking forward to it with the expectation of having more tales to tell.
Jeremiah 7:23 But I (God) gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you.
Oh, and you forgot the "pretend police"-- remember the siren we kids used to make you think you were getting pulled over? again...
Ahem, and the multiple pony tails I believe was called the "tornado hairstyle" I think it was a 'do created before it's time and has yet to receive the appreciation it one day will receive.
Thank you, Olga, for the descriptive reminders of the fun summers we had going to Colorado. Love you!
-Once a kid