Confession Time

I have a confession to make. The thing I am going to tell you can be very difficult to admit in certain situations because you never know how people will react. Although it is something that I am proud of, it is not well received by all people, or in every circumstance. Having grown up in the Deep South, it was a commonly accepted and even expected thing, but as I have moved to different places I have found it can be viewed as offensive and even unacceptable.

You see I am a Christian—Jesus Christ has saved me from the penalty of my sins. Our country that was founded on Christian principles has been so afraid that we are going to offend people who are of other cultures and other faiths that I have been made to feel like there is something wrong with my faith. When cities prohibit nativity scenes in the town square at Christmas or the 10 commandments cannot be displayed in court of law or when teachers in some cities cannot wear crosses in the classroom, I feel discriminated against.

However, even if our society tries to deny my beliefs, they still affect every part of my life…my private life, my career, my thoughts, my feelings, my time, my family, my friendships, even the way I drive in the roundabouts. I like to think that all of these things have been and will continue to be influenced in a positive way.

I pray, I read my Bible, and I support missionaries.

I have remained faithful to my husband of 38 years, because of a promise that I made before God. I have tried to raise my two daughters with unconditional love to show them who God is. I want to build a legacy for my 2 grandchildren and to pass down what was given to me by mine—a love for God and how to live it out. That’s why I take them on Indian hunts, show them how to rope a cow and tell them bedtime stories.

In my job at Vail Resorts in the RockResorts Sales and Marketing Department I try to work according to a standard of excellence since I am representing God to everyone there. Although I do some important things nothing is too menial for me to do…I even been known to clean windows, wash dishes and pick up trash as a way of serving in the workplace.

Many of my friends are just like me—Christian, but I also have friends who don’t even believe in God. I mentor young women.

In my spare time I write blogs about my experiences and how they relate to God. For someone who didn’t even know what blogging was a year ago, I have grown to love writing about everyday ordinary events.

When biking, driving through roundabout or just going about life, I strive to be a good representative of my faith, because there are far too many Christians who do not represent us well. I do make mistakes and will probably disappoint you sometimes, but I am trying to live my life as Jesus would want me to live.

My faith influences every area of my life. It should permeate, change and shape me or it is only one compartment of my life, but I strive for it to be my life. 

There you have it—my confession. It’s who I am, so I know some of you will be offended and others of you may be disgusted, while still others may be silently cheering me on, but like it or not it’s who I am. Whatever your thoughts they will never change who I am because I have been transformed by my faith and trust in Jesus and no one can take that from me. 

Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.


Margaret said…
Cheering you on Mom!
Christy said…
I am a loud cheerleader for you - not a silent one. I am blessed to have you as my mentor and dear, sweet sister in Christ. You actively live your faith every day in so many ways. You have touched many, many people. You have airline ministries, movie ministries, "where ever you are" ministries. God continues to use you mightily and you are a willing vessel. And you have developed into an amazing blogger!!! Love you!
awww! Thank you my dear friends. To God be the glory for anything good in my life!

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