Two Squares of Toilet Paper

Two squares of toilet paper—who would leave only two squares of toilet paper on the roll without replacing it? That was my thought as I realized I was stuck with so little toilet paper. At first I had the notion that I should be upset and angry until the realization set in that I could have been the guilty party and then I backed off of my irritation and began to find humor in it.

I have always questioned why someone would put 3 crackers back in the pantry. Or what about a handful of Tostitos crumbs? And there is also the single spoonful of ice cream. Why doesn’t the culprit just eat the few morsels instead of carefully putting it back for someone else to finish off? Or if they were not worth saving why didn’t they just throw them away?

These things may be annoyances that can actually frustrate us and even ruin out day…if we let it. We have an alternative—we can either let it consume our thoughts or we can laugh it off and realize that we are not perfect either. In fact our faults might be even worse than those that we find bothersome. 

So the next time you encounter the “two squares” situation in your life, don’t be so hard on the person who created the scenario, because another time you might just be the culprit.

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


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