Would You Show Up for Jesus?
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US Pro Cycling Challenge |
Excitement was in the air…the crowds had gathered …the stage was set…the vendors were out in full force…the weather was cooperating…the line up was already in position…the countdown of five, four, three, two, one…and then the horn and the riders began pedaling. The Avon to Steamboat segment of the 2011 US Pro Cycling Challenge was off and riding.
With celebrity athletes from all over the world and the big names from the Tour de France Avon was definitely a buzz. The cameras were flashing in hopes of getting a photo of someone important in the racing world even though you would probably never be able to meet them in person. Security had anticipated 17,000 people to be at the starting gate for the race and up to 100,000 people to view some portion of the competition that day.
With all of the hubbub for a bunch of racers, of course I began thinking... What the response would be if it were announced that Jesus was going to be in Avon? Would the people come out in droves? Would the parents bring their children just so they could catch a glimpse? Would speakers be set up with a stage in place so all could hear and view Him? Would security teams need to be provided in order to protect Him? Or would it be just another day in the park with families milling around, a few fishermen at the lake, a game of sand volleyball and a couple of lovers lounging on blankets in the sun with a handful of Christians who had heard that Jesus would be making an appearance .
In this Valley where I live, there are many activities such as the Bravo Music Festival, The International Dance Festival, performances at the Vilar, the Birds of Prey Ski Racing, Tough Mudder and now the Pro Cycling Challenge just to name a few. People flock to all of those events, but there are churches that are nearly empty on a Sunday morning. I have been told that only 5-10 per cent of the people in our area ever attend a church service, so why would they bother to show up if Jesus was going to make an appearance in person?
This tells me that perhaps we as Christians are not doing a very good job at showing the people we encounter who He is by our words and actions. If we were, maybe they would want to get to know Him also.
Will you join me in trying to make a difference where you live, whether here in the Vail Valley or in a far away place? Will you seek to live you life as Jesus would? Will you open your mouth and tell people about Jesus? Will you reach out in love and kindness to both friends and strangers in need? If we begin making simple changes like these, maybe, just maybe we can begin influencing our communities, our states, our country and even the world for Jesus.
What can you do today to start your “mission work” right where you live?
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.