
The waitress came to deliver the lunch to our table with a Chicken Caesar Salad in one hand and a curry wrap in the other. She stated that if she was going to be stereotypical she would make the assumption that the salad was for the female at the table. My husband and I both quickly proceeded to tell her that she would be wrong. I had the wrap; he had the salad.

Aren’t we like that in many areas of our life—we make assumptions about people based on our limited knowledge of who they seem to be. A couple of examples might include:
  • We suppose that the couple who can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other must be happily married, when behind closed doors they may be yelling and throwing things at each other.
  • We believe that the kid with the tattoos and piercings must be a rebellious teenager and could never be a Christian, but she may be the very one who spends her lunch hour reading her Bible and talking to her classmates about Jesus.
  • We imagine that the well dressed lady who drives the new car and lives in the mansion must have it made, but in reality she is broke and unhappy because she won’t let anyone get close to her out of fear that they will find out the truth.
 Everyday we make assumptions about people because of the way they look, the way they talk, the car that they drive, where they live, who they are friends with, choices that they make, where they went to school, where they go to church, how often they go to church and we could go on and on. 

There’s one thing wrong with our assumptions—we don’t know the whole story. We don’t know people’s past, we don’t know what’s going on in their heads and we certainly don’t know what’s in their heart, so we have no right to judge other people using the limited amount of knowledge that we have. If we were capable we could look into the heart s of others and delve into their souls, but since it is not possible I guess we will just have to leave the judging up to God.

1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”


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