Things I Love:

* Hunting for Indians on the hill in the backyard
* Puppy dog and princess pajamas
* Hearing, “That’s bootiful” and “I like that” from an almost 3 yr old
* Abundant laughter
* Seeing the patience of my daughter as she parents
* Races in the yard
* Soft hands stroking me in the morning
* Hearing my name, Olgie, used hundreds of times a day
* Watching my son-in-law play as hard as the kids
And the list could go on and on…
Can you tell that I have just spent the last three weeks with my grandchildren? It was so much fun, but boy am I tired. The house just does not sound right today; it is too quiet. There is no running or screaming, no cartoons or dinosaur movies and no out of control giggling. The neighborhood children have not been knocking on our backdoor and there is no afternoon popcorn. Whoever said, “The best part of being a grandparent is being able to send them home,” was wrong in my book. I am already looking forward to September when I will see them again; and I’m praying that God will bless them and keep them until that time.
By the way, the first daylily of the year bloomed yesterday after they left---do you think that was a gift from God as a reminder of His goodness and faithfulness? I do.
Ephesians 1:16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
Must be time for another bike ride too!