Mystery Solved

This morning Will woke up early and eagerly went to check on the popcorn kernels. There was not a one to be found, so we became detectives, looking for clues to solve our mystery. Since we found no evidence on the lower deck, we decided that we needed a better vantage point and would go to the upstairs deck to see if we could find any signs by looking down on the scene. Will thought he saw a bear track that could have been a hint, but it turned out to be an Aspen tree root. While looking around for other clues on the upper level, we discovered that there were 3 unpopped corn seeds on the rail. How could they have gotten there? Not a bear, or a raccoon or a fox, but birds, of course! No one saw the birds, but because we saw the evidence of the seeds that had been moved, we could conclude what had happened.
Our popcorn mystery reminds me of our faith. We don’t actually see it, but we know it is true in our hearts, because there is so much evidence around that points to the certainty of it. All we have to do is look around at the hints in nature--the plants, the animals, the changing of seasons and we can’t help but know that there is a God who loves us. God has given us signs of His goodness and glory through the wonderful things He has provided for us. Will you stop and take time to reflect on the clues that God has put around you to so that you can be sure of your faith?
Hebrews 11:1, 3 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ..By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.