Round-about Renegades

The Obama stimulus money is at work in our community. It is being used to put in a series of round-abouts, so there are construction workers at every intersection directing traffic. I have gotten to where I pass them often enough to recognize them and wave, but that is obviously not the case with everyone. The signs are 2-sided with “stop” on one side and “slow” on the other. Recently I observed two cars either unknowingly or perhaps on purpose ignore the stop sign of the construction worker. (They must have been from Texas, because Texans get blamed for everything and since I claim that citizenship, I can poke fun at them.) The worker was clearly upset because of the unlawful behavior of the drivers, so in order to try and restore some semblance of dignity to her job, as I obediently followed her instructions, I rolled down the window of my car and said, “Thank you for doing a difficult job.” It seemed to make her day as she smiled back at me and waved. Of course I began thinking abo...