Rosary Beads

My son-in-law’s grandmother died about this time last year. She had been sick for a time and had even expressed that she was ready for Jesus to take her home. Then she had a sudden turn for the worse and had to be air lifted to a hospital some distance from her home. While in the hospital, she was non-responsive for days, but at one particular time she seemed agitated and her daughters and a nurse on duty were trying to determine what might help calm her down when they saw her rosary beads on the bedside table. One of her daughters put them into her hands and immediately she began caressing the beads and they knew that she was saying the rosary. Once she had gone through each of the beads, she held the cross in her hand and kissed it. Amazing—isn’t it! 

We do not know what happens in the mind of people when they are suspended between this earth and the next life, but to me this story shows that what is most important to you when you are alive is what can bring you the most comfort and peace when you are leaving this life, so we need to be sure that we are focusing on the important things while we are living. 

Now I have never used rosary beads, but the method that you have to find a closeness and intimacy is not as important as the fact that you are drawing near to Jesus. Every person is different and can use different methods, such as prayer, worship through music, meditating on scripture, sitting outside alone on a beautiful day or fellowship with others who love the Lord. 

There is no one prescription for knowing and loving God, but one thing is sure, it is a pursuit of Him—you don’t get it through osmosis, or putting it off for another time. Is your time spent each day in things that are going to be most important at the end of your life? What have you done today that will allow you to go peacefully to meet your Maker at the end of your life?

This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,    
 hallowed be your name,     
your kingdom come,    
 your will be done
   on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
   as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one
   for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Matthew 6:9-13


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