Most Important Blog I've Ever Written
The entire city was stirred wondering who this man was that deserved such acclaim, but within a week He had been killed. What went wrong? How could God have allowed this to happen? In reality God had His perfect plan in place and this included the cruel murder of His Son. In fact it was the very reason that Jesus left His home in heaven and gave up His rights as God. He knew that He was coming to pay for my sins and it would involve some horrific experiences.
On the last night of His life, Jesus shared a meal with His twelve best friends and told them how they would celebrate His life in the future—the bread was His body broken for us and the wine was His blood shed for the forgiveness of my sins. Jesus even did the unthinkable for His friends; He took the position of a slave when He washed their feet.
And then over the course of the next few hours the worst imaginable events took place in the life of Jesus:
- He was betrayed by a friend who sold Him for the price of a common slave
- He was arrested by hundreds of soldiers armed with swords and clubs as though a dangerous criminal
- All of His friends deserted Him
- He was falsely accused by “religious” leaders
- He was passed back and forth between accusers
- Soldiers spit on Him, blindfolded Him, struck Him with their fists and slapped Him
- He was disowned three times by one of His best friends
- He was questioned by Roman officials
- Pilate had Him flogged—40 lashes minus 1 with leather whips
- Soldiers stripped Him, placed a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him
- He was made to carry His own cross
- He laid His hands on the cross as nails pierced them
- His mother was entrusted into the care of His friend
- His clothes were divided
- Bystanders hurled insults at Him
- He hung on the cross for hours before His death
- He was forsaken by His Father—separated from Him
- His side was pierced
- He bore my sins and the sins of every human who ever lived
- He was buried in a borrowed grave
Jesus was not forced to go through this torture, but willingly chose to go through it because of His love for mankind. Jesus could have sent His angels at any point to rescue Him, but that would not have accomplished the purpose of His sinless life. He came to save us from our sins, not to leave us in them.
Jesus suffered but…
After 3 days in the grave His mission to planet earth was fully accomplished. The grave could not hold Him, the stone was rolled away and Jesus rose from the dead, so that we too could live forever with Him. If you have never accepted His payment for your sin, today could be the first day of a new life. All you need to do is admit that you are a sinner in need of a Savior; acknowledge that there is not one thing that you can ever do to earn your salvation, except claim the blood of Jesus as payment for all of the wrongs you have ever committed and then begin your new life in Christ.
You are not guaranteed tomorrow, so what are you waiting for?
I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20