The Empty Tomb

I wear a cross around my neck frequently…you might too, but why do you do it? 

A friend of mine said that one day when she was wearing a cross a co-worker asked, “Why do you wear that cross?” He was actually on a mission to find out if she was just wearing it because she liked it or if she wore it because of what Jesus had done for her on the cross of Calvary.

There are many people today who wear crosses of various styles, shapes and colors because they are a fashion statement, not because of the symbolic meaning. 

The cross is a vital part of the Christian faith, because it represents the suffering that sinless Christ went through because of His love for us. However I wonder if it is the most appropriate symbol of our faith. If Jesus had died for our sins, but had not conquered the grave, His mission would not have been completed. So my question is why don’t we wear an empty tomb around our necks, which would symbolize the death and the resurrection?

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3


Christy said…
Good point! I don't know that I have ever seen an empty tomb necklace -- better get your sister on that design!

I have been noticing a lot of celebrity types wearing crosses lately and have been trying not to rush to judgment :)

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