Two Feet of Snow

Spring is coming; I just know it. According to the calendar, the first day of spring is March 21st. While that date has come and gone we are expecting at least a foot of snow in the mountains of Colorado in the next 24 hours. For this southern girl it seems that God has forgotten what time of year it is, but I know that is impossible because He is in control of everything and knows exactly when He will be sending spring to our valley.

April in the South means the tulips have popped out of the ground, the azaleas are covered in blossoms and the dogwood trees are clothed with the white and pink nail pierced cross shaped flowers. All of these were signs of spring in a former life, but are not found in the mountains of Colorado…at least not quite yet. 

We do however see evidence that spring is on its way. The trees are budding, but are afraid to open because of the cold evening temperatures and anticipation of the snow that is still expected for a few more weeks. I am also seeing glimpses green poking through the dry grass of winter. The snow is beginning to melt in our neighborhoods and the children venture out on the sunny days before the next snowfall hits. 

I’m glad that God is in control of the seasons and that I am not. He knows exactly what is needed not just for my wants and desires, but for the good of the area where I live. Although I may have to wait a little longer for the warmth of the spring days and for the flowers to burst up through the ground, God gives me the sunshine and blue skies to serve as a reminder that they are on their way.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens


Christy said…
Love the photo :)

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