She Speaks

In doing a bit of research I found that we probably select from a vocabulary of about 500 words a day, but many of them are used multiple times during the day, so the World Wide Web told me that the number actually spoken in a day could range from between 1,500 and 24,000 words.
Someone named “loz” on the Internet did the math and figured out that approximately one million billion words have been uttered in the last thousand years. Her math was too high for me, so I couldn't check her on it, but anyway….enough said about this. I am just wasting words here and what I really want to get to tell you about is my weekend.
Last Friday through Sunday, I was in Charlotte, NC at the She Speaks Conference put on by Proverbs 31 Ministries (which by the way is probably the best event I have ever attended and I have been to many). You might think that with 609 women and a title like She Speaks that that there would have been endless chatter, but I must tell you that the conversations were not about the latest fashion trends and where we could purchase them. And I did not hear any bragging about our children and all of their accomplishments. Nor were we comparing notes about our careers or even solving the problems of the world. No, the usual conversations were not taking place, because we were there for one purpose—to learn how to speak for Jesus.
The women who attended this conference were not ordinary women, but women who see a vision, have a purpose and feel a calling. I met more strangers that I felt “knew” immediately because we have a friend in common, Jesus. And He is the one that the discussions were about—how awesome is that?
In our daily lives we often get caught up in the unimportant conversations of the world about people places and things. I think this conference and the women that I encountered taught me to be quiet and listen to what God is saying to me through His Word and through other people and then speak only when God wants me to speak for Him and about Him.
Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.