Healthy Habits

Some habits are good for you, such as brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, and daily exercise. Other habits are not so positive in our lives--those such as eating out of boredom, turning the TV on for no purpose, and yes, even gossip. Good habits are often difficult to establish while the bad ones are hard to break.
There are several suggestions that I have heard to help us change our habits. First we should work on one habit at a time for a period of 30 days. If you can change your pattern in that length of time, it has probably become a part of your routine and will likely continue.
Another thing you can do is to use something to trigger your memory. It can be as simple as a Post It Note as a reminder. The last pointer when getting rid of a bad habit is to replace the bad practice with a good one. An example of this might be if you give up TV, what will you replace it with—a good book, an afternoon walk, or maybe spending time in conversation with someone you care about? If you don’t replace it with something good, you will probably either go back to your old ways or substitute something else bad in its place.
Can you think of any habits in your life that may not be pleasing to God? What will you choose to do in order to begin getting rid of them?
Also are there any habits that God has placed on your heart to establish in your life? Could it be that He is calling you to begin having a quiet time or maybe a deeper prayer life or could it be that God is trying to get you to invest in the life of another person? Why don’t you ask God what He wants for your life and then ask Him to help you make it a habit that comes easy.
Luke 6:47 I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice.