
Life is a lot like the seasons--just when I think life is set, something changes. Children grow up and start their own families. Jobs come and go. Moves take you from place to place. Loved ones grow older and even pass on. Landlines become obsolete and the newest updates in software come quicker than we can learn the previous version. Seasons of life can be hard and they can also be exciting.
Change is really good for us even if we do not like it. If things never changed we would become stagnant and boring. God’s desire is for our lives to be challenging, stimulating, and ever-changing while His plan for us and the universe unfolds.
In the seasons of weather, we see consistency even in the changes—we know that after summer comes fall, after fall comes winter, after winter comes spring, after spring comes fall and then it starts all over again. Life too has a pattern—birth, childhood, youth, adulthood and ultimately death.
In the midst of all of the changes in the world there is one thing that never changes—God. He has always been the same, before the creation of the world and since creation. He is the same in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. He is the same for me as He was for my grandmother. He is the same today as He will be tomorrow. I am so thankful that I don’t have to question what He will be like each morning when I wake up. I can know what He will be like each day because He does not change as people and seasons do. God will be loving and kind, just and righteous, pure and holy, forgiving and faithful. He will also have expectations for my life—that I will be obedient and if I’m not, He will carefully draw me back to Himself, so that we can have precious fellowship with each other. So no matter what changes this day or this year will bring, I praise God that He is the one constant in my life.
Malachi 3:6a "I the LORD do not change.”