Bird Blunders

I’m not sure exactly why these crashes happen, but I do have a few guesses. The first one is that they just get distracted either by another bird or by the freedom that they feel gliding through the air. That sometimes happens to me in life; I lose my focus and while distracted I get myself into a situation that might be harmful or even dangerous.
Another possibility for the flying mishaps could be that the reflection in the glass makes it look like there are blue skies and clouds out in front of them, but it is actually a mirage. This can happen in life too when we don’t check out things carefully we can be fooled into a false manner of thinking or seeing things in the wrong way. That is why it is important to make sure we know the Truth.
In the late afternoon, the bird’s vision could be unable to see because the brightness of the sun, thus causing them to smack into the window. Here again, we too can be blinded by our own thoughts and desires or those of others that we know, love and respect.
The birds have had different outcomes in their flying calamities. A couple of the birds met with only minor interruptions, while another was stunned and took almost 30 minutes to recover from the head-on collision and the other bird must have broken its neck upon impact because it actually died. So I think the lesson in the all of the incidents is to be careful, slow down and don’t get caught up in the world’s distractions, phony messages or blinding ways. The Bible tells us almost a hundred times to be careful to obey, so I think it must be a concept that is important to God.
Deuteronomy 5:32 So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left.